Torque Sensor Calibration in 30 Seconds or Less (Not Required for Newe – Falco eMotors Inc.

Torque Sensor Calibration in 30 Seconds or Less (Not Required for Newer Models)

Torque Sensor Calibration in 30 Seconds or Less (Not Required for Newer Models)
The torque sensor calibration procedure is not required for newer models purchased in 2018 and beyond. 

  1. Download Falco’s eBike Lab Software for PC;
  2. Download Falco’s eBike Lab Software for Mac;
  3. Download Android App to Your Phone;
  4. iPhone version is scheduled to be released in June.

There are 5 parameters which are important to understanding in the eBike Lab Software. Those parameters are:

  1. Torque Sensor Raw Value (Found under Motor Parameters Tab);
  2. Torque Sensor Final Value (Found under Motor Parameters Tab);
  3. Flip Axle Command (Found under Motor Control Tab);
  4. Torque Multiplier (Found under Motor Control Tab);
  5. Dropout Offset (Found under Motor Control Tab).



How do you get the most out of your torque sensor? 

The first step is to calibrate your torque sensor by using Falco eBike Lab v1.5.7 and ANT+ USB on your PC or Mac or Android.

So the first thing is that we want to focus on two parameters:

  1. Torque Sensor Raw Value
  2. Torque Sensor Final Value


Stand-Still Calibration:

Torque Sensor Raw Value allows us to make sure that when you’re not pedalling and when the bike is at a standstill, the torque sensor is correctly calibrated. The first thing you want to do is look at the Torque Sensor Raw Value. The Torque Sensor Raw Value will have an initial value between 300 to 600 at a stand still. Afterwards, sit on the bike or trike with feet on the ground and see the variation in the Torque Sensor Raw Value. If there’s no variation, that’s great, and it means that the motor is very close to a calibrated value in the frame.


Other Points to Note:

  1. If the value goes down, that means you installed the motor as per factory default;
  2. If the values goes up, that means you installed the motor backwards (that is OK, and we can fix it in eBike Lab Software);
  3. Note the change in value. Let us say the initial value was 492 and it changed to 482 or 502. This change of 10 counts is your drop-out offset or the drop-out angle of your frame. This is the value which is needed for the Drop-out offset parameter. Let us say this change is A.


Throttle Calibration:

This calibration is pre-set at the factory in 2017 models. The second step is that you want to take the wheel off the ground and twist your throttle, and look at the Final Torque Sensor Value while the motor spins. If this remains zero, that’s great. If not, let us note this change in value as well. Let us say this change in value is two counts. Let us say this change is B.


Dropout Offset Value: You essentially take these two offset values then add them together as A+B = 10+2 = 12. The 12 count is the value plus 20% goes into the parameter called dropout offset under the Motor Control Tab. 20% of 12 is 2.4. We round to 3. So the value for the Dropout Offset is 12+3 is 15. 20% number can be 0 or a number lower or higher than 20%. It is a judgement call.


Flip Axle Command: Let us discuss the Flip Axle command. If the Torque Sensor Raw Value was going down, this value remains 0. If the value was going up, this value must be changed to 1.


Torque Sensor Multiplier: Now, the last important parameter, the Torque Sensor multiplier. This value is the amount of amplification; the drive system will produce of your effort. If you produce 2 Nm of torque, with an amplification of 5, the motor will produce 10 Nm of torque. So higher the number, more amplification is provided by the drive system. 

That's all you need to get your system to run. Shoot us questions or comments at info @

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