Riding my trike with a Falco eMotor’s ebike system is fun riding very similar to a traditional upright bicycle. Four members of my club have already “gone electric”, so I am rarely the only motorized member on a ride. My range is at least 100 miles, and the console provides me with my speed, odometer, assist level, and battery level.
The people at Falco are always ready, willing, and able to provide advice and technical support when needed, but that is quite rare.
See you on the road!
Read More Stories here: https://falcoedrive.com/pages/learning-center
- Review of Falco f7.9 eBike System on Rans Recumbent Tandem by David Zimmer;
- The Reverend Doctor Roger Raymond Fischer (Tad Pole Trike);
- Weston Thomson (Tad Pole Trike); ;
- Earl Harris (Tad Pole Trike);
- Walter Hertler(Tad Pole Trike);
- Harry Sheldon (Mountain Bike);
- London Keirin (Bicycle).
- Dr. Bruce Howerton (Handcycle);
- Easy Racers' Tour Easy - by Harry Bauer (Two Wheel Recumbent);
- Xtracycle Edgerunner by Pete Prebus (Cargo Bike/ Electric Bike Report);
- Green Speed GT20 Electrified Fun by Brian Zupke (Tad Pole Trike)