My 150-Mile Ride from Houston to Austin
Trike: Terra Trike Rambler
eBike System: f7.9 System
So I wanted to let you know the story behind why I decided to buy your e-bike system. I have a debilitating neurological disease that has reduced my mobility significantly. I have to use a full time walking stick and an electric scooter for any walking of long distances.
I was leading a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I had purchased myself a trike as I could no longer ride my road bike safely. However, I had gotten to a point where I was not riding as the effort level made it no longer enjoyable as I could not ride with anyone and keep up.
I did a ton of research on these e-bike systems and read up on several different models. I made many calls (including to you ) to ensure I had a full understanding of what each company had to offer with their system both with functionality and support.
In the end, I decided to go with Falco system as I read many great reviews not only on the system itself but on the support you and your company provides. I will say the wait time was a killer, but once I got it, I fell in love with the bike.
In Texas, there is an annual event that is held that is a 150-mile bike ride from Houston to Austin that is used to generate money to fight Muscular Sclerosis. It is called the MS150. I have dreamed of riding in this for years but knew I would never be able to accomplish it.
Well once I got your e-bike system I thought it might be a possibility. I trained for 3 months and then decided to go for it. I still thought it was wishful thinking, but it was for a great cause. I had generated over $1000 in donations from friends for me to ride in this event, so there was no turning back.
Day one was brutal with a headwind and temperatures in the 80s, but I did it! I rode 80 miles all with level 2 assist from your system. It was tough, but with the Falco system help, I finished it in a little over 10 hours I slept great that night in a tent on a cot.
We were woken at 4:30am on day 2 and started at 6:30am. I rode the final 70 miles mostly on level 2 with a few levels 3 and 4 bumps for hills and finished around 1:00pm. I was so excited I was in tears. I can’t believe I was able to do it.
If you saw me try and walk you would say no way can this guy ride 150 miles in 2 days? With the help of Falco and mind over the body I did it!
Thanks for all your help and I plan on doing it again next year
I have attached some of the photos they took during the ride…..