Product Details

LEAD TIME: 2-4 weeks

Wired Plus Minus - TerraTrike EVO (Non-Bosch Model)

Change Levels of Assist and Regeneration,

The Wired Plus Minus (WPM -EVO) controller is simple to install and operate with your Terra Trike EVO (Non-Bosch Model). It allows you to adjust the assist level of your motor on the fly, without any confusing console or software accessory. With the easy to read LED lights, you’ll always know what assist level you’re in. Three levels of assist are available, as well as three regeneration modes. To reach any level of assist, press the + or – buttons as follows. 


The Wired Plus Minus connects to the 6-pin port that comes from the BLE/Ant+ module. Before connecting, be sure that the battery is in the “off” position.


In the high assist, the motor will offer the same level of assist as the standard Falco eBike system without the WPM-EVO controller. The high assist level can be used on inclines that require more motor assistance, but will drain the battery faster. The low assist can be used on flats, or in situations when a higher assist level is not necessary. The battery life is extended when using the low assist level.


The regenerative modes can be very useful in long descents.  When in regenerative mode, the motor will create resistance, acting as a sort of drag brake while also charging the battery.  There are three different levels of regenerative mode: low, medium, and high.  Low will offer some resistance, medium will offer more, and high will have the most resistance. 


Note: ZERO mode or ZERO pedal assist or ZERO regen mode are available on this accessory.