Plus Minus Control - All details & FAQ's
Plus Minus Controller
Wired Plus/Minus Module is the simplest controller used to control the power levels of the eBike system. Apart from changing the power levels, it can also be used to accelerate and to apply brakes in the eBike system. The Wired Plus Minus or Wireless Plus Minus are the small controller, which can be installed on the handle bar. It requires very less space and helps to change the power levels easily. This Plus Minus Control makes the FalcoeBike System more flexible and comfortable for users.
There are two types of Plus Minus Controllers; Wired and Wireless.
Wired Plus Minus
The Wired Plus Minus should be connected to the Motor through Wireless Module. The Wired Plus Minus needs to be connected to the 6pin connector of the Wireless Module.Make sure the battery is kept Off while connecting.
Connection of Wired Plus Minus with the Motor
Wireless Plus Minus
The Wireless Plus Minus needs to be connected with the Wireless Console. And the Wireless Console is connected to the motor via Bluetooth connection. The console is required for Wireless Plus Minus to work.
Connection between the Wireless Console and Wireless Plus Minus
Main Function of Plus Minus Controller
- To increase or decrease the power level
- To accelerate and to apply brakes to the eBike system.
- To view power levels.
Other Functions
- To directly change the power level from 0 to +3 & +3 to +5.
- To directly change the power level from 0 to -3 & -3 to -5.
- Setting up the CRM Setting.
- Resetting ODOMeter
Features of Plus Minus Controller
Power level control
1. Display of power level - 5
All 5 Green LEDs are ON condition.
2. Display of power level - 3
First 3 Green LEDs from the left are in ON condition.
3. Display of power level-1
First Green LED's from the left are in ON condition.
Regeneration level control
1. Display of Regen level-5
All 5 Red LEDs are in ON condition.
2. Display of power level-3
First 3 Red LEDs from the left are in ON condition.
3. Display of power level-1
First Red LED's from the left is in ON condition.
Plus Button Operation
1. Set Power level - 1
Single Press of + button (First Green LED from left is in ON condition).
2. Set Power level - 3
Double Press of + button (First 3 Green LEDs from left are in ON condition).
3. Set Power level - 5
Triple Press of + button (All 5 Green LEDs are in ON condition).
4. Throttle operation
Press and Hold + button more than one second
Power levels display in Assist mode
Minus Button Operations
1. Set Power level - (-1)
Single Press of - button - First Red LED from left is in ON condition.
2. Set Power level - (-3)
Double Press of - button - First 3 Red LEDs from left are in ON condition.
3. Set Power level - (-5)
Triple Press of - button - All 5 Red LEDs are in ON condition.
4. Break operation
Press and Hold “-” button for more than one second.
Power levels display in Regen mode
Other Operations
1. Resetting ODO Readings
Press Plus “+” button until the readings get to “0”.
2. Setting CRM Setting using +/- Button
Hold the MINUS button (about 12 seconds) until the screen shows CRM. Use the MODE button on the console to move the cursor position and + to input the wheel size.
Questions and Answers related to WPM and WLPM
1. Do you need to add the Wired +/- kit as an extra with simplicity systems?
Ans. No need to add the wired +/- kit as an extra with simplicity systems as it comes with it.
2. How does WPM function?
Ans. The WPM is mainly used to control and change power levels. Apart from changing power levels different operations can be performed by using Plus Minus Controller, which are mentioned in the above Blog.
3. What is the use of WPM or +/- button?
Ans. Please check below Points for Use of WPM or +/- button:-
- WPM is the transmitter of Power Levels. It is not a receiver.
- If the user will change Power levels through WPM, It will change and the user can see this on the Mobile App (on the 2nd Screen).
- But, if the user changes the power levels through the Mobile App. It will not show you in the WPM Module.
- If the user changes power levels through the Mobile App, It will miss a match with the WPM module.
4. Do we need the WLPM to charge the console? If not, what is the pinout of the 4-pin connector and the charge characteristics (max amperage, voltage) of the console?
Ans. WLPM is not required to charge the console. But it is required to change the power levels. Any USB or mobile charger with 5V 200mA capacity can be used to charge the Console. Or else Junction box can be used to charge the console directly from the main battery. One single pin out is useful to both Charging cable as well as WLPM connections.
5. What is the difference between a WLPM and WPM module?
Ans. Wired Plus Minus has to be connected directly to the Wireless Module through the cable. Wireless Plus Minus is used with the Wireless Console. WPM - Wired Plus Minus is an independent and is a separate controller.
6. Using the +/- button on a trike how do I get it to go in reverse?
Ans. The feature is only available in TerraTrike EVO. Please hold the “-” button when the trike is stopped. It will move in a backward direction.
7. What is the benefit of WPM over WLPM?
Ans. Benefit is simplicity. Less room required on the handle bars.
8. Does the Falco kit include a +/- button?
Ans. Yes, Falco kit includes a +/- button.
9. How to use the +/- button?
Ans. ‘+'Button - Single press - It will change Bike Power levels in Positive i.e. +1,+3,+5. Press and Hold - It assists the Bike and Motor Will rotate in forward direction up-to 3 Mph.
'-'Button - Single press - It will change Bike Power levels in negative i.e. -1,-3,-5. Press and Hold - It Assist to Bike and Motor Will rotate in Reverse direction up-to 2 Mph.
10. How to adjust the +/- buttons to go minus. Once they go up they won't come down?
Ans. +/- button maybe there is a connection problem with Console somehow It seems to be damaged.
11. How to Reset ODO Settings using Plus Minus Controller?
Ans. Press and Hold the + button until the ODO gets to “0”.
12. How to set CRM using Plus Minus Controller?
Ans. Hold the MINUS button (about 12 seconds) until the screen shows CRM. Use the MODE button on the console to move the cursor position and + to input the wheel size.
13. Can we use only Plus Minus Controller without a Console?
Ans. Yes you can use WPM - Wired Plus Minus Controller without a console. But for using Wireless Plus Minus Controller you need Console.
14. Does anything else is required to use a Plus Minus Controller or only this controller is enough?
Ans. Wired Plus Minus Controller can be used alone. No other controllers are required. But you have other options to use such as Mobile App to control and change other features. The basic controlling features that are required to run a eBike system are fulfilled by this Plus Minus Controller.
15. Can I use this Plus Minus Controller with Terra Trike EVO?
Ans. For TerraTrike EVO we have a separate Plus Minus which also has a Reverse option.