Do you have a Catrike?

As per Wikipedia, a trike is a human-powered three-wheel vehicle. These are not just used to travel. These are also used for exercise, shopping, and many other purposes.
Riding a trike is more than just having a ride. It's the healthiest way to have fun and explore nature's beauty with comfort. Trikes are significantly more comfortable, stable, and easy to ride—no worries about balancing and fueling the vehicle. Riding the trikes is much safer for most riders than riding conventional bikes. The third wheel adds safety, stability, and control to the trike. The recumbent trike's design has a more aerodynamic advantage and is more comfortable. Riders usually prefer trikes to explore the outdoors and see beyond the roads.
Life is full of love, joy, and adventure only if you feel. The trikes are cool enough to ride and enjoy the moments with your loved ones. Many bike riders change their mindset for the very first ride of the trike. There are so many riders who modify and build custom trikes for themselves. Some of them equip their trikes with electric pedal assist systems. They love to go on a long ride with no worries about riding for a long distance and climbing on hills. Whenever they are tired, they can get assistance with the motor.
If you are used to riding a bike, you should try riding a trike. You may fall in love!
Trikes are easier than riding a bike; there is no need to put your feet down, and no worries about balancing the trike. It is all about having a different experience.
If you have a trike, Please share your stories, experiences, and pictures with us and get highlighted on our website.